7%. While Muslims are found on all five inhabited continents, more than 60% of the global Muslim population is in Asia and about 20% is. Indonesia’s Muslim population accounts for about 80% of all Muslims living in Southeast-East Asia. These are experimental statistics of population by 8 religious groups by age and sex at the national and regional level for England and Wales. Table 3: Gender Breakdown (headcount and percentage) for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (Data come from the University Data Set THUDS). Three-quarters (77 percent) of all citizens say that they pray daily while half of Muslims read or listen to the Quran on a daily basis. Nairobi has several mosques and a notable Muslim population. 9%). 6 years for men – a gap of 2. According to the Turkish government, 99 percent of the population is Muslim, approximately 77. 05 3903 100 Use the map below showing the religions of Europe about 1600 to answer the following question: How does this map reflect the causes of the Thirty Years' War? Muslims dominated Europe, leading to conflicts with followers of other religions. Since 99% of the Middle East is owned by majority-Muslim countries, 99% would be your answer. According to official government estimates, Muslims constitute 14 percent of the population. A Pew Research Center survey published in 2013 found that Muslims around the world are divided about polygamy: While majorities in several sub-Saharan African countries and pluralities in parts of the Middle East describe polygamy as morally acceptable, Muslims living in Central Asia as well as Southern and Eastern Europe tend. OsakaWayne Studios/Getty Images There's a reality about race in the U. . Conversely, a GAMAAN poll found that just one-third, or 32. 7%), and by a smaller percentage than the overall population of England (up 6. From mid-2010 to mid-2016 alone, the share of Muslims in Europe rose more than 1 percentage point, from 3. In one report by the International Humanists, in Article 121 of Iranian law, homosexuality is punishable up to death for a non-Muslim subject, while the Muslim active party is. Afghanistan – 99%. Step 2: Calculate the difference (401) as % of South East (1023) = (401/1023) x 100. 7 Mar 2018. By Jeff Diamant. Religion Number % Christian: 135,216: 44. Nottingham is a city in the East Midlands of England,. S. 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence at least once in her lifetime- mostly by intimate partners. 7% of professionally qualified clinical staff were white, and were 15. 60%. Nottingham has links to the legend of Robin Hood and to the lace. In comparison to the 2011 definition, some areas became smaller by separating new built-up areas (e. that has confounded many people of Middle Eastern or North African descent. The largest Christian group is Roman Catholic with 39 percent; 32 percent of the population is Anglican, and 11 percent is Pentecostal Christian. Muslim countries in the Middle East and North African region would experience the largest increase in population, accounting for six percent of the world's people in 2050. The finding is one of a. 5% in 2010 to 24. 8% cohabit with a member of the opposite sex, 0. Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa tend to be most keenly aware of the distinction between the two main branches of Islam,. Islam is the official religion in 26 countries in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, and the Middle East. According to the Ghana Statistical Service's Population and Housing census (2021), the percentage of Muslims in Ghana is about. Roman Catholics and Anglicans fought for control of Ireland. Arab Muslims form. The vast majority are Sunni Muslims, who make up 2,128, or 93 percent, of the Syrian refugees in the U. These are experimental statistics of population by 8 religious groups by age and sex at the national and regional level for England and Wales. 0%) Modern-day Birmingham 's cultural diversity is reflected in the wide variety of religious beliefs of its citizens. Abdul Mutallab's altruistic initiative is a case in point about the conflict between Muslims and Islamists. Number of Shia population: 19. Orthodoxy is the dominant religion in Central and Eastern Europe, and the majority religion in 10 of the 18 countries surveyed. Four-in-ten Muslim women always or usually wear hijab; eight-in-ten Muslims fast during Ramadan. Compare average age by area. 57 billion Muslims of all ages living in the world today, representing 23% of an estimated 2009 world population of 6. An estimated 1. The State of Israel had a population of approximately 9. The presented data show that about 27% of the population of Africa is Muslim, a total of about 446 million. Saudi Arabia has a Muslim population rate of 92. Copts in Egypt account for roughly 5–20 percent of the Egyptian population,. 8% of India's 1. Looking ahead, the Center estimates that by 2050 the number of Muslims worldwide will grow to 2. 6m in. The only exception to this rule is the display of Turkey’s percentage of world population as 4. 4% Turkey - 99. [1] India is also the country with the. 41. Although Islam began as a religion in the Middle East and its holiest sites are located there, the region is home to only about 20% of the world’s Muslims. Settlements All population of all built-up areas in the East Midlands with 500 inhabitants or more. The original schism between Kharijites, Sunnīs, and Shīʿas among Muslims was disputed over the political and religious succession to the guidance of the Muslim community ( Ummah. 9%, and 49. In 2023, it was estimated that approximately 87 percent of the Indonesian population were Muslim, accounting for the highest share of Muslims in. Across the West Midlands, the percentage of residents who described themselves as Muslim increased from 6. Muslim community is made up heavily of immigrants and the children of immigrants from. The population here increased by a smaller percentage than the overall population of the East Midlands (7. And on views of Muslims, more than a third in the East (36%) say they have an unfavorable view of Muslims in their country, compared with 22% who say this in the West. Federal government standards require the U. Federal government standards require the U. The number of Muslims in the world already number 1. Religious affiliation Orthodoxy is the dominant religion in Central and Eastern Europe, and the majority religion in 10 of the 18 countries surveyed. 3% were white and 25. Muslim Population Percentage of. Ali’s legacy has a special resonance in the neighbourhood and not just because of his achievements as a boxer; more than 70 percent of Sparkbrook’s 32,000 residents share his Islamic faith. Leicester - 34. [8] [9] Terminology [ edit] In Britain, the word "Asian" most frequently refers to people of Desi ancestry ( Pakistanis, Indians, Bangladeshis) as well as Sri Lankans. Clark , Jun 22, 2022. 2 % Yorkshire and The Humber 3. % of population in England. Ethnic diversity by local authority 6. Using data from the Population Reference Bureau, we see that the core of the Muslim world–the Middle East and the Persian Gulf–has a Total Fertility Rate of about 3. 82% Jewish, 1. 4%), while 23. The population here increased by a smaller percentage than the overall population of the East Midlands (7. 6% No religion, 6. Due largely to high fertility, sub-Saharan Africa is projected to experience the fastest overall growth, rising from 12% of the world’s population in 2010 to about 20% in 2050. In 2021, 24. 3 million people were employed by the NHS. S. What is a religious makeup? Religions makeup can be defined as the popularity and practice of various religions and their degree of presence in the various parts of the nation. 5% The Midwestern triangle has mostly Arabs and American blacks, though Chicago has a near-plurality of East Europeans (Albanians, Bosnians, Turks). 3% Leicestershire - 5. 15:20, 10 JUL 2017 Families enjoying the sun in Leicester Town Hall Square The proportion of Muslims living in Leicester has risen to 20 per cent, according to figures published by the Office for. Main facts and figures. 2023-03-17. Federal government standards require the U. These are experimental statistics. Main facts and figures. In Europe overall, even if all Muslim migration into Europe were to immediately and permanently stop – a zero migration scenario – the overall Muslim population of Europe would be expected to rise by 2. According to the most recent census, conducted in 2014, 82 percent of the population is Christian. Indonesia: 209. 2 percent Hindu. In 2011, 2. 9% were born in Southern Asia and 11. census sees Middle Eastern and North African people as white. More than 300 million Muslims, or one-fifth of the world's Muslim population, live in countries where Islam is not the majority religion. 94% of the world's Hindus live in India; Muslims comprise 14. 7 percent) than all other regions combined, will continue to host the majority of Muslims, albeit with a smaller share (52. It is predominantly Muslim and has the largest Muslim population of any country in the world. When it comes to the share of countries, Muslims faced more harassment overall in the Middle East-North Africa region (20 of 20 countries) and Europe (39 of 45 countries) than other regions. The icon links to further information about a selected place including its population structure (gender, age groups, age distribution, country of birth, ethnic group, religion). 5%. percentage and number of Muslims in this continent. While more than eight-in-ten Muslims in Tunisia (89%) and Morocco (85%) say women should have the right to choose whether they wear a veil, fewer than half in Egypt (46%), Jordan (45%), Iraq (45%) and Afghanistan (30%) say the same. There are very small numbers of Dawoodi Bohra Muslims, Ahmadi Muslims, and expatriate members of various groups. 28 million Muslims living in London, making it the region of England and Wales with the highest Muslim. 5 million in 2030, which is more than double the number of Muslims in the region in 1990 (205. Worldwide, younger-age victims were killed by their families of origin 81 percent of the time. In Iraq, Shias are majority group as well. The first section of the report makes it clear that the patterns of extremist violence are dominated by violence in largely Muslim states and by extremist movements that claim to represent Islamic values. 7 % West Midlands 6. Other Muslim groups, including Alawites, Ismailis, and Shia, together constitute 13 percent of the population, while Druze constitute 3 percent. Our new estimate of Muslims and other faiths is based on a. But while Islam is currently the world’s second-largest religion (after Christianity), it is the fastest-growing major religion. 9 children, compared with 2. S. 47% born in Britain, 36% in the Middle East and Asia. East Midlands: 4,880,054. 5 per cent (over 7. In terms of the Middle East and North Africa, the region's share of the world's Muslims will remain roughly constant, rising only slightly from 19. (9. population ( about 322 million people in 2015 ), and we estimate that that share will double by 2050. 9 million). 5 percent of which is Hanafi Sunni. The Republic of Macedonia which had a share of Muslims at 39. [40]In 1876, the Ottoman Empire had a population that was estimated to be 25 percent Christian, 1 percent Jewish, and 74 percent Muslim. and Ethiopid East Africans. 37% of Arab women have experienced some form of violence in their lifetime. But while Islam is currently the world’s second-largest religion (after Christianity), it is the fastest-growing major religion. 7%), and by a smaller percentage than the overall population of England (up 6. 4 per cent of London’s population. There are 279,550 widowed people living in West Midlands. S. As a result the percentage of the population that is Muslim in these three countries is rounded to the nearest integer. 2%, 85. About 20% of the world's Muslims live in the Middle East, and about 85 percent of people in the Middle East are. Most of the smaller religious groups in sub-Saharan. 6% since the 2011 Census). Shi'is, who make up about 10 percent of the worldwide Muslim population, probably make up about the same percentage of the U. The population passed 320,000. Scholars estimate that Shia Muslims comprise approximately 1 percent of the population. Orthodoxy is the dominant religion in Central and Eastern Europe, and the majority religion in 10 of the 18 countries surveyed. British Sikhsas of 2021, forming the United Kingdom's fourth-largest religious group. World Muslim population by percentage Muslim distribution worldwide. S. 2019 to. With an average of three children per woman, Israel also has the highest fertility rate in the OECD by a considerable margin. 98°N 0. 9, with over 18s representing 80. 3 million in 2010 to 109. 8 million people who left home but. By the percentage of the total population in a region considering themselves Muslim, 91% in the Middle East-North Africa , 89% in Central Asia, 40%. They provide a detailed snapshot of the population and its characteristics, and underpin funding allocation to provide public services. 2011 Ethnic group, languages and migration. 9% were Asian. Nigeria has the sixth-largest Christian population in the world, as well as the fifth-largest Muslim. Pew Research Center estimates that there were about 3. S. 62 Christians and Jews are projected to remain the second- and third-largest religious groups in the region, respectively, with more modest population gains of 43% and 46%. 7% of people in Leicester described themselves as Christian (down from 32. However, the reason for 0% white respondents is not known, possibly because of our small sample size and the fact that only 2. The latest ONS population estimates for the whole of the UK suggest that, in the year ending June 2021, there were:2021 Population Census – Birmingham first results. The majority of the world’s Muslims live in Asia and the Middle East, with. Moldova and Greece have the highest Orthodox proportions in their populations, while Russia and. 4 %. with other religions including Islam (0. The city of Leicester ranks as one of the most segregated towns in the UK. Muslims, meanwhile, widely rate religion as very important in their lives in Africa, the Middle East and South and Southeast Asia; religion is less important to Muslims in Europe and the post-Soviet republics of Central Asia. Currently, about 23 percent of the world’s population follow the religion of Islam. census sees Middle Eastern and North African people as white. They can be contacted at [email protected]. It consists of Leicestershire,. 81 years View trend Major ethnic 77% White View breakdown Age structure Population Average age Life expectancy Area type Region Population Density 458 Population growth 0. white people and people from the. According to the 2021 United Kingdom census, those identifying as Asian British in England & Wales enumerated 5,515,420, or 9. Other Muslim groups, including Alawites, Ismailis, and Shia, together constitute 13 percent of the population, while Druze constitute 3 percent. 8% of the total. 8 billion Muslims in the world, which is roughly 24% of the world’s population, according to a Pew Research Center estimate. population, and about 2. 7% Muslim, 2. 1. 8 percent, Buddhism; 9. population. India’s Christian population grew at the slowest pace of the three largest groups in the most recent census decade – gaining 15. However, the Middle East-North Africa. The largest Christian group is Roman Catholic with 39 percent; 32 percent is Anglican, and 11 percent Pentecostal Christian. Sharia law is widely practiced among the Muslim countries of Africa and the nations of the Middle East, who believe it is God's will for mankind. As of 2015, there were 1. Women in the labour market. Published by D. Islam is the most widely followed religion in the Middle East. A similar pattern is found. 3 percent, Confucianism, Taoism, or other traditional Chinese philosophies and religions; and less than 1 percent each of other religious groups that include animists, Sikhs. Sunni Muslims make up between 75 and 95% of the population here, while Ahmadi and Shia Muslims constitute the remaining 5 to 20%. Ethnic groups by region 5. Summer 2001, pp. 2 million people as of 2019 census. At the end of 2017, two-thirds – 68% – of all refugees were from just five countries: Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Myanmar and Somalia. Step 2: Calculate the difference (401) as % of South East (1023) = (401/1023) x 100. 8 percent). In 2001 East African Indians made up 16% of the total British Indian population. 0%, while across England the percentage increased from 24. During the 2011 census, 45.