CAMP PRICES: $95. John. 8195 King Street (Hwy 520) Cocoa, FL 32926. The Parade will start at 6 pm and. John | (321) 633-1904 |. Children's church begin at approximately 10:20. Taylor Park Rockledge. , St. John Wortham . PORT ST. & Harriette V. Get Directions. Seniors at Lunch, 10 am - 1 pmBrevard County Parks & Recreation Department. 6650 Corto Road, Cocoa, FL, United States. On the beach 3-miles south of U. 2000 South Washington Avenue,. Maureen Rupe . Committee Members Not Present Chris Kane . Titusville, Fl 32780 321-264-1878 LCD LED PLASMA PSJ RESIDENT MVR# MV-01860 1418 S. Schedule is subject to change. There are no. Services Offered. Staff Present. From the website: The Port St John Community Foundation is a public charity serving the residents and businesses of Port St John and Brevard County. John Community Center at 321-633-1904. Port St. The gymnasium serves year-round as a site for youth and adult activities, leagues, and programs. Social Media ChannelsThis 16. 1 Outdoor Unlighted Basketball Court. County Park, Boat Ramp. Situated in a partially wooded area, this 40-acre community park offers a variety of athletic opportunities. This wooded 3. Hopkins Ave. On July 4th, Melbourne puts on their great annual. From the website: The Port St John Community Foundation is a public charity serving the residents and businesses of Port St John and Brevard County. 48-acre community river park is a perfect wayside stop for travelers and a convenient site for community events. Phone (321) 633-1874. The large pavilion includes restrooms, barbeque pits, and an expansive river view. John Community Center has 3. Port St. Call: +1321-633-1904. Sandrift Community CenterLong Point Park. gov. The hardwood hammock, pastureland, prairie and wetland ecosystems inspire nature and wildlife enthusiasts, while the park amenities invite group activities. OPEN NOW. John Community Center, 6650 Corto Road, Port St. 5995 N. Crosswalk Community Church 77 N. & Harriette V. 6650 Corto Road, Cocoa, FL, United States. First Street Boat Ramp is also a popular staging area for the small islands in the Indian River. POW / MIA Park. Facilities include tennis courts and racquetball courts. Rentals. Brevard County Port St. Box 2806 555 S Washington Avenue Titusville, FL 32796 Phone: 321-567-3775 Fax: 321-383-5704Starting Sept. John. Other facilities include restrooms, a large pavilion, picnic. This 15. Cocoa, FL 32927. Features include a boat ramp open 24 hours a day accessing the St. Seniors At Lunch Program - Titusville. M. com Annette. Outdoors, the playground and basketball court are. James Park. Contact Information Port St John Community Foundation PO Box 472 Sharpes, FL 32959-0472Spessard Holland North Beach Park. St. This 1. Get directions, reviews and information for Port St John Community Center in Cocoa, FL. Brevard County Parks and Recreation Port St. A Community Center and pavilion in the center of the shaded. The hot topic for the October meeting is whether there is any interest or anyone to work. County Park, Boat Ramp, Community Center. Viera Regional Community Center Viera 2300 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FL 32940. Located in the Six Mile Creek Wildlife Refuge, this 4. This 5. 36-acre community river park is situated on the shore of the Indian River Lagoon. Seagull Park is popular for surfing and surf fishing, with facilities which include two covered shelters with picnic tables, an artesian well supplied outdoor shower (non-potable water) and enough parking for 15 cars. Cocoa FL, 32927. Located north of Sandrift Community Center, this 4. m. For more information on programs and renting the facility, call (321) 264-5040. This 207. Walter Butler Community Center | 4201 N. Steven Darling . Facilities include a medium pavilion, playground, benches, tennis courts, soccer fields, Little League fields, a restroom / concession. S. Highway A1A Melbourne Beach, FL 32951. John Community Center! Lil' Sports and Fitness is a specially designed program for children ages 2. This 29. 48-acre community park features a Community Center with a large activity room, kitchen and stage popular for rentals and youth programs. The center is open Mondays–Thursdays from 10 a. Last year’s parade champion, PSJ Veterinary Clinic, did not return to defend their title and Best Overall was won by Cub Scout Pack 704 with a dazzling fl oat and lots ofPort St. Landscaped with palms and hardwood trees, the recreational facilities and Historic Schoolhouse Ruins are popular attractions. Bernice Jackson Events Cuyler Park Events Isaac Campbell Sr Park Events Persons With Disabilities Events Port St John Community Center Events Rotary Park Merritt Island Events Sandrift Community Center Events South Beach Community Park Events Viera Regional Park Events. Please make reservations early: Meal reservations at all sites are needed by 12:30 PM the previous serving day. Inquire Now. This 32. Email Jeff. faigaigtrevandRaOY Parks S:your Recreidios MUM COUNTY Summer Day Camp: 1. Port St. John Community Center, 6650 Corto Road, Port St. Port St. Well shaded by pine and palms, this park features a paved walkway and riverfront boardwalk. 4201 N. A wide range of educational programs, a computer lab, and Department sponsored special interest activities are scheduled at this facility which was developed with funds from Community. 35 *Phone (321) 455-1380. Camping, community events, special interest and equestrian activities are hosted at this expansive park. John Coordinator: Jann Faiga: jann. Park. Email [email protected]. Hopkins Ave. and it’s Happening at last. Location 1313 E. A. Hwy 1, this 5. Port St. Viera Regional Park; West Melbourne. Committee Members Not Present Chris Kane . PORT ST. Find Related. Location 1045 Noreen Blvd Rockledge, FL 32955. Community & Government $ 6650 Corto Road, Cocoa FL, 32927. The shaded pavilion and 2 grills with restrooms nearby, path and boardwalk invite picnics and leisurely strolls. I. 14-acre partially wooded regional park is located off Canaveral Groves Boulevard and is home of Port St. 6650 Corto Rd Cocoa, FL 32927. John Community Center Summer Day Camp 6650 Corto Road, Port. Facilities include picnic tables, benches, a boat ramp (1 lane), port-o-lets, and parking for 19 cars and 15 boats. 6650 Corto Rd Cocoa FL 32927 (321) 633-1904. Yoga uses movement, breath, and present moment. Zumba with Aurora. John. 1 : Walter Butler Community Center : 7,353The Community Hospital Outpatient Center, St. A deep freshwater lake adjacent to the parking area offers a natural. Hwy 1 and Suntree Boulevard, this 10. Email [email protected]. John, FL 32927 (321) 633-1904. Learn more! 2329 Harry T Moore Ave, Mims, FL, 32754. dussichdancestudio. It's a little north of the Railroad Bridge to the Kennedy Space Center and provides access to the intracoastal channel leading to the Haulover Canal, the Marsh Bay Area. It features a boat ramp, a non-motorized boat launch area, shoreline fishing and the P. The facilities include Little League fields, restroom and. 1746 Cedar. Get Port St. 6300 Fay Blvd, Port St John,. An access road extends from an equestrian facility at the park entrance to a small lagoon that offers refuge for manatees and a launch site for canoes. 8-acre community river park in a neighborhood environment features a paved walkway leading to a sheltered fishing pier featuring a beautiful view of the Indian River. Augustine, Florida ( Map) Flagler Estates Community Center. St. Located on the west side of Banana River Drive just south of Kelly Park-East, this 40. John Community Center 6650 Corto Road, in Port St. John Community Center 6650 Corto Rd, Cocoa, FL 32927 Sandrift Community Center 585 N Singleton Ave, Titusville, FL 32796 Joe Lee Smith Park Community Center 419 Washington Ave,. All dogs must be on a leash and must wear tags showing their current license and vaccinations. John Community Center; Scottsmoor. Viera Regional Community Center, 2300 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera. Wickham Park Community Center, 2815 Leisure Way, Melbourne. Al Wilke Parks & Community Center. Fay Lake Wilderness Park. Phone (321) 255-4400. 00 acre 2 pier landscape is located on 2 A. Email [email protected]. Port St. John Community Center. Email [email protected]. There are several pavilions within the park. This 3. , Merritt Island. 1 : Harry T. The Residence at St. 13,824 likes · 117 talking about this · 105 were here. Scottsmoor Landing. Location 914 Rockledge Drive Rockledge, FL 32955. Parks Referendum improvements include. Cuyler Park Community Center Annex Phone: 264-6491 (10AM 12:30 PM) 2329 Harry T. 321-633-1904. VIERA: Viera Regional Community Center, 2300 Judge Fran Jamieson Way. Waterfront access invites. [email protected] ST. Johns River, this 194. The Homer Powell Nature Center is located at Wuesthoff Park, a 25 acre community park off Barna Avenue just south of SR 50. 6650 Corto Rd. Restrooms are only available when the Nature Center is open. Only service animals are permitted at Rotary Park. Committee Members Present Steven Darling. Location 1275 S. JOHN COMMUNITY CENTER . Location 5045 Highway US 1 Grant-Valkaria, FL 32949. 1. Fay Lake Wilderness Park; Fay Park; Friendship Park; Nicol Park; Port St. Port St John Community Center. There are public restroom facilities and a concession stand, used by the. Directions Advertisement. Facilities include a boat ramp and dock, restrooms, a pavilion barbecue grill, and parking for 15 cars and boat trailers. Port St. 8th, Lil' Sports Classes will begin at the Port St. A scenic drive winds through the park’s open areas, pine woods and lakes. at (321)208-7148 or the PSJ Community Center. Committee member Steven Darling stated the Community Center is not for sale. 57-acre scenic getaway is ideal for large community events.